What's Trending?: "Rejection"
Trending as #3 on YouTube today! As a bit of an introvert myself, rejection is something I have a hard time with. However, I've learned...

What's Trending?: A Message that Saves Lives!
You never know when or where you get a message that can save a life. The consequences are dire if you affect someone else's life. Do...

What's Trending: Animaniacs are Coming to Netflix
Wow! Netflix is really making news! Both with it's monthly fees going up and with the arrival of the 1993-1998 animated series,...

What's Trending: Netflix Set to Increase Monthly Fee
The affordable movie streaming website is upping it's prices starting next month, and it is catching users off-guard. This isn't a huge...

What's Trending?: BeeSweet Lemonade Receives Contract from Whole Foods Market
You might recognize her from, "Shark Tank!" And while she only received a $60,000 investment from Shark Tank. Whole Foods also sees the...

What's Trending?: Stardew Valley
Go Figures! Here I am talking about gaming again on "What's Trending?" But I felt the need to talk about this because it is sweeping...

What's Trending: "Master of Orion" WG Labs Announces Cast of Game!
The new cast for the next installment of, "Master of Orion" has been announced! With the well-known voices of: Mark Hamill, John De...

What's Trending: Etsy Shop Sells Disney Park Themed Scented Candles!
Scented Candles have become quite popular over the last few years. And now, an online Etsy shop is selling candles that will make your...