Entrepreneurial Mind: Thinking Fast and Slow!
​Purchase a copy of: "Thinking Fast and Slow" StartFragment Engaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman...

What's Trending: Animaniacs are Coming to Netflix
Wow! Netflix is really making news! Both with it's monthly fees going up and with the arrival of the 1993-1998 animated series,...

What's Trending: Netflix Set to Increase Monthly Fee
The affordable movie streaming website is upping it's prices starting next month, and it is catching users off-guard. This isn't a huge...

Entrepreneurial Mind: Business Ideas with Social Media and Leverage
Everyone is looking to make easy money! And it sounds fantastic to even be capable of making a living from home, with minimal effort. ...

What's Trending?: BeeSweet Lemonade Receives Contract from Whole Foods Market
You might recognize her from, "Shark Tank!" And while she only received a $60,000 investment from Shark Tank. Whole Foods also sees the...