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The Questions I Usually Get: Here are my Replies!

I get messages from emails, Facebook and even from people I know about my freelance writing and the projects that I want to work on from time to time. I am posting this to answer a small list of the most common questions I get about it.

Q #1:) What do you write about?

A #1:) Most of the time, I write about what's trending (as long as it interests me). You see, by writing about what's trending I am able to get some kind of exposure to my articles and my blog. However, I have done work for independent authors, musicians and filmmakers to help them promote their work. As someone who has worked independently, I know how difficult it can be to get a following past a certain point. I post videos on my blog as well, so promotional videos are accepted. Book trailers, movies and music videos can offer a chance to be featured and viewed by my readers. But again, it has to interest me for me to post it on my blog.

Q #2:) Does it cost anything to be featured in your blog?

A #2:) That is a "yes" and a "no" question. I do charge to promote a book, music video, or even a movie trailer. But that charge only covers advertising expenses to promote to a wider audience. 10% goes into our monthly giveaway and the rest actually goes into advertising on social media and other marketing methods.

Q #3:) How exactly do you make an income?

A #3:) Some people would tell anyone that would ask this kind of question that "it's none of their business." However, since it does involve a lot of what you do as a reader and visitor of my blog. I think you deserve a lot more respect than a, "none of your business" type of response. I absolutely don't mind getting into the details. When you visit this blog, you'll notice ad-banners. These are attached to an affiliate link that identifies as coming from this blog when you click on it. If someone clicks on the banners or links and makes a purchase, a commission is earned. We are affiliates of both Amazon and ClickBank. We do not recieve personal information about who makes a purchase, we simply recieve a commission. This pays for website fees, helps me as a blogger make a little money, and to afford to work on special projects. Q #4: Would you consider fundraising with Kickstarter or GoFundMe for your projects?

A #4: While I do not have anything against Kickstarter or GoFundMe, I do have a problem with asking people to just donate money to projects. For me, if something gets in the way where I have to hold off on finishing a project, I will have a feeling of guilt as people gave their hard earned money to make my projects happen. I prefer earning the money I can use to work on my projects. It just seems more professional and earning money feels better than just recieving it.


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