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Entrepreneurial Mind: "Advertising Alternative!"

Hey everyone, Welcome to the second article to my business-based article series, "Entrepreneurial Mind!" I'm actually going to discuss a topic that many people who start out in a business fail to consider. Almost anyone starting in a business is aware of the fact that you have to spend money to make money. These investments can range from thousands to tens-of-thousands before you even see a profit! And who happens to have the kind of money to start out with? Rarely, anyone! So I am going to give an alternative on how to affectively lower the business expense of: ADVERTISING... This is for those starting out, of course!

Traditional Advertising

Advertising takes up about 50% of continuous expenses for a business. Why? Because everyone knows it works! Commercials, billboards, business cards, websites and social media are just a few ways that big business use in terms of advertising. An average of 63% of money earned from any business goes to expenses! And that is a lot! A Better Way

We all know about the Publisher's Clearning House! It's a business that offers cash prizes to it's members. How is it supported? It's not like the lottery! It's supported by shoppers, people that are buying items that they can use. This is actually better than the lottery! I mean, if you're going to buy something. You might as well buy it from someone that is going to help someone else. The lottery, you're purchasing a ticket with a few numbers on it. Nothing real useful to you in the long run! So, the better way is to be a business that cares about it's customers and members! Or in this blogger's case, readers... Saving Money As I've mentioned before, advertising takes up about 50% of all business expenses in any business. But you know, you don't have to give a lot to have a better advertising campaign. All you need is to care about your customers enough to give THEM SOMETHING. For example, I give 10% of my monthly earnings to those that follow me on Facebook. Is it 50%? No... But anyone that puts in an entry for my giveaways has a chance to get 10%. If I made $1000 this month, someone would get $100. What business pays customers $100? The point is: Why pay an advertising firm 50% when you can give customers a chance to win 10%? It even makes them essentially stay with you for a chance to win again. My Past Giveaways It's not hard to understand how I grew to over 20,000 likes on Facebook... (Not bragging, just using to make a point) The fact is that I got most of those through my giveaways, and I've gotten over 100 subscribers in my new email newsletter that may or may not know about my page. By the way, all the giveaways are on Facebook... So if you're a subscriber in the newsletter and not the page. Give it a "like" and wait for news on my next giveaway! Now, back to what I was saying... In my past giveaways, I always tried to influence those entering to share one of my posts on Facebook. To help spread the blog around and essentially help with future giveaways. While it was something that was recommended to help build the next giveaway, it was never a necessity in order to win in a giveaway. Every initial prize winner was chosen randomly from the poll of entries.

Thank You to the Readers

I hope you never misunderstand this... I thank every single one of you who have read this blog (and that of my old one back in July 2015). And I thank all of you that used to read my articles back when I was a freelance writer for the Yahoo! Contributor Network. The experiences I've had in my freelance writing career has opened door, and has given me some new skills... Even those in programming. Which I became self-taught because I wanted to continue in my career after Y!CN was down for good. So, please take in mind that I never intend to forget where any of the support came from. I know this may not be the best blog you've ever read. But many of you read to hear an opinion and don't make me feel stupid for sharing it. I hope you enjoy this post! And I hope, if anything, this post helps you with any business endeavor you pursue.


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